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The impurities that are in your water - both hardness and chemicals - can dramatically affect that flavor and appearance of everything made in the kitchen. Coffee becomes bitter, juices become bland, pasta becomes flat and limp…these are just a few examples. You actually use as much as 25% more coffee, tea, juice, sugar, cream, etc., just to "flavor over" these impurities - and you STILL don't get the taste you deserve!

It doesn't have to be that way!

The AQUAtiva Prism with Bioguard provides you with purified water for all your drinking and cooking needs. Using as much as 25% less

coffee, tea, juice, etc., you will get better tasting drinks, naturally. Vegetables, pastas and sauces cooked with purified water look and taste better, making you a better chef overnight! After all, do your recipes say "add water," or "add water that contains unknown quantities of unknown hardness impurities and chemicals?" We don't think water should have its own "ingredient list." Do you?

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  What people are saying about AQUAtiva
"My AQUAtiva system has made a huge difference in the taste of my water and especially my ice tea. In fact, it has made such a big difference that my friends even mentioned how good my ice tea is."
Sharon Caron,
Martinton, IL

"We love our AQUAtiva water. We have noticed the biggest difference in the tastes of our coffee and tea."
Mrs. Frisby,
Plainfield, IL

"Since we purchased our AQUAtiva system we have noticed that the cooking water is much cleaner. The film is gone. We are also drinking a lot more water now."
Mrs. Reick,
Clifton, IL

"Our food tastes so much better, especially our tea and kool-aid. Everyone did a fantastic job."
Janice Abney,
Chatsworth, IL

Toll Free Phone: 877-787-4390
Email: info@AQUAtiva.com

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185 E North Street
Bradley IL 60915
© 2001 AQUAtiva™ a Division of Covenant Air & Water, LLC