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Get your dishes sparkling clean -- Naturally!
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Water impurities create a residue on your dishes, often visible as water spots. This residue can even include the soap and chemicals used to "clean" your dishes.

It doesn't have to be that way!

AQUAtiva treated water needs no "chemical help." Your dishes are left virtually spot-free, since those residue-causing impurities are gone from your water. Your water is free to clean your dishes with natural, environmentally-friendly soaps. After all, isn't that what you want - "CLEAN" dishes?

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  What people are saying about AQUAtiva

"I love my water, and I even enjoy doing the dishes now."
Margurite & Jeff Eby
Steger, IL

Toll Free Phone: 877-787-4390
Email: info@AQUAtiva.com

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185 E North Street
Bradley IL 60915
© 2001 AQUAtiva™ a Division of Covenant Air & Water, LLC