We are passionate about
your water. Other than the air we breathe, there is nothing more important
to our survival and ongoing quality of life than the water we drink and use.
The result of our passion and research is AQUAtivaT.
Unlimited Supply of "Water at its Best!"
The AQUAtivaT Spectra Twin with Chlorigon provides
you and your
family with an unlimited supply of water without lime and hard water problems,
while the Chlorigon filter removes chlorine,
chloramine, and other unwanted tastes and odors. The Spectra Twin independent
mineral tanks provide a continuous flow of the highest quality water-when
one tank is full, the second tank does the job while the first tank is regenerated.
The |
Spectra Twin is also available as the Spectra Twin MAX for larger families
or light commercial and industrial use.
AQUAtivaT Spectra Twin, you will enjoy many benefits!
- Use less detergent
and soaps!
- Whiter, brighter clothes!
- Sparkling "spot-free"
- Softer and smoother-feeling
- No lime or hard water
build-up on tubs, showers and fixtures!
Spectra Twin Meter and Control Valve
Always operating at maximum efficiency, using 100% of the mixed media bed
of the tank in service before switching to the second tank, for continuous
quality soft water with no regeneration downtime. This saves you both salt
and water costs!
Chlorigon Filter
A single teaspoon of activated carbon has the surface
area of an entire football field! The Chlorigon Filter removes tastes, odors
and greatly reduces and often eliminates chlorine and chloramine in your water.
does AQUAtivaT work?
- Step
1- AQUAtivaT Chlorigon Filter reduces chlorine and chloramine
for taste and odor removal.
- Step
AQUAtivaT Resin softens the water by removing calcium, magnesium, and
- Step
3- AQUAtivaT Fine Mesh Resin "hypersoftens"
by removing the remainder of all calcium, magnesium and iron up
to 3 parts per million.
- Step
4- Flint evenly distributes brine during